Jovi and Yara: Our Journey So Far
Take a look back at Jovi and Yara's 90 Day Fiance story and see what's next for them on 90 Day: The Last Resort!

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Photo By: TLC
Photo By: TLC
Photo By: TLC
Photo By: TLC
Photo By: TLC
Photo By: TLC
Photo By: TLC
Photo By: TLC
Photo By: TLC
Photo By: Daymon Gardner/Getty
We first met Jovi and Yara on 90 Day Fiance Season 8. Jovi traveled all over the world for his job, but found himself exploring so many countries alone. He downloaded a travel app to meet new people and that was when he met Yara, from Ukraine. The couple connected and talked for a while before deciding to meet up in Budapest, Hungary.
Their connection grew into a full-fledged relationship and Yara flew from her home in Kyiv, Ukraine to live with Jovi in New Orleans, Lousiana. They embraced each other at the airport after Yara arrived.
Jovi gave Yara a tour of NOLA. Yara was unsure of the city at first, but tried her best to get used to her new surroundings.
Later on, the couple began arguing about the furniture in their apartment, details about their upcoming nuptials, and Jovi's partying. Although they had their moments, Jovi and Yara wanted to make things work.
Unfortunately, Jovi had to leave New Orleans for work during their 90 days together. Yara had to find her way around the city while he was gone.
Jovi's friend, Sara, invited Yara to a salon to get pedicures together. She knew that Yara was still adapting to her new life and wanted her to have a friend nearby while Jovi was working. The two of them mostly chatted about Jovi's past.
Yara soon discovered she was pregnant and called a friend to seek advice. She wondered if she and Jovi were truly ready for parenthood.
Yara broke the news to Jovi once he returned home and at first he didn't believe her! He asked her to take a second pregnancy test. The test came back positive and the couple officially had a baby on the way! Although a child wasn't part of their plan just yet, the couple embraced the pregnancy and moved forward with their Las Vegas wedding.
Jovi's parents, Gwen and Monty, hosted a fun engagement party for the couple. During the party, Jovi and Yara told them they were going to be grandparents! Although things were looking up, the couple still quarrelled over rules in their relationship and Jovi's partying.
Yara originally wanted a small, intimate wedding with just her and Jovi because her family in Ukraine wouldn't be able to attend. Eventually, the wedding party grew and Jovi's parents and some friends joined in on the trip to Las Vegas. Here, Jovi and his pals, Kline and Caz, spent some time at the casino before the big day.
With an Elvis Presley impersonator/officiant by their side, Jovi and Yara tied the knot. Congratulations, newlyweds!
After the wedding, the couple returned to New Orleans and prepared for their baby's arrival.
Jovi and Yara enjoyed their time together as they waited for their little one.
Welcome to the family, baby Mylah!
Jovi and Yara are back on 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Season 6.
Jovi was eager to go on their honeymoon, but Yara was attached to their newborn and wanted to wait a few months before taking a trip. This left Yara worried that Jovi didn't want to give up his party lifestyle, while Jovi felt she was too attached to Mylah.
As they began to adjust to life as new parents, Yara felt that Jovi’s mom didn't trust her skills as a new mother. Yara also expressed her worry that Jovi might lose bonding time with Mylah while he's away for work.
Jovi left for work, leaving Yara to take care of Mylah with help from his mom. Yara felt uncomfortable staying at Jovi's mom’s house and decided to go back to New Orleans and care for Mylah on her own.
Yara found out that Jovi has to stay away for work longer than expected, leaving her frustrated and worried about her next steps.
While Jovi was away, Yara moved to the suburbs. Upon returning home, he had trouble adjusting to being so far from the city.
The couple celebrated Ukrainian Christmas in their new home with Jovi’s mom and cousins. Tension increased after Yara asked the family to leave early so Mylah could rest.
Jovi convinced Yara to take a romantic trip to Miami. An argument ensued after Yara started worrying about Mylah even though Jovi’s mom came along to babysit.
During their date night in Miami Jovi and Yara talked things out. Their evening went south at the strip club when Jovi refused to leave.
The next day, the couple had a lot to talk about and they rehashed the strip club situation. Yara was concerned about Jovi's maturity level and Jovi felt Yara was overreacting to his behavior. In the end, they agreed to try harder, work on their relationship, and focus on being a family.
On Season 3 of 90 Day Diaries, Jovi, Yara, and baby Mylah fled their home to seek shelter in Texas. Hurricane Ida tore through Louisiana and luckily, the family was able to avoid danger. While they were away, they celebrated Mylah's first birthday with her favorite snack, Cheetos.
After war broke out in Ukraine, the couple discussed how they could support Yara's home country over video chat. Yara decided to donate blankets and Mylah's old clothes to those in need.
Jovi and Yara returned for Season 7 of 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?. With Jovi home from work, Yara wanted to go out and have fun with a couple of new friends. However, it was clear that Jovi wasn't too fond of Yara staying out late with her new buddies — and her friends weren't the biggest fans of Jovi either.
Jovi and Yara met with Gwen to discuss their recent falling out. Yara felt Gwen wasn't coming around as much as a grandma should, but Gwen thought she was doing her best and had no idea the new parents felt let down. After being able to communicate and hear each other's points of view, they hashed it out and moved forward as a family.
Yara was heartbroken knowing that her family and friends were struggling in Ukraine. Although her mom was safe in Czech Republic, the rest of her loved ones had to stay put. Jovi and Yara talked about traveling to Europe to see her mom, but they weren't on the same exact page. Yara wanted to visit Europe as soon as she received her Green Card, but since Jovi would be away at work, he wanted her to wait until after he returned. After multiple conversations, Yara agreed to wait so they could travel together.
A few weeks later, the couple arrived in Czech Republic! Yara's mom, Olga, was thrilled to see her daughter and son-in-law again — and she was just as excited to meet her granddaughter for the very first time.
Olga asked Yara if she planned on staying in Europe and Yara felt unsure. As much as she enjoyed the life she was building in the states, she felt so at home in Europe.
Yara and Olga planned a day of apartment hunting in Prague. Jovi didn't like that they didn't involve him in the planning and he was against the idea, but he reluctantly joined the search. Unfortunately, Yara quickly realized that her budget wouldn't cover a place with space for her whole family.
The pair met up with Jovi's old traveling buddy, Talmadge. The night started off light, but once Talmadge heard about Yara's apartment search, he immediately questioned Yara and voiced his concerns. This rubbed Yara the wrong way.
Yara had an emotional reunion with her friend, Karina, in Germany. Karina shared that she fled her home in Ukraine just in time and found a safe place to stay. Yara felt guilty knowing what her loved ones were going through, and it made her want to stay in Europe longer to help — and she already knew Jovi wouldn't be happy about it.
Jovi and Yara finally had another discussion about Yara and Mylah staying in Europe while Jovi goes work. This time, Olga, Talmadge, and Karina joined the conversation. Jovi felt believed that this wasn't Yara's original plan and that Olga and Karina were influencing her decision. Yara felt that it would be fine because Jovi would be at work anyway. Lots of strong opinions, but once again, no resolution.
Jovi and Yara had a conversation about their future — away from everyone else — and Jovi brought up having another baby. Yara was absolutely shocked.
After their friends got involved again, Jovi and Yara decided to spend their last day in Europe alone. They realized they spent the whole trip arguing about their future and whether or not they should leave together as a family. Jovi told Yara he understood her reasons and she reciprocated. Eventually, Jovi apologized and said he'd be okay with Yara and Mylah staying in Europe while he went to work. Yara was overjoyed and Jovi was glad to see Yara happy again. As for baby number two, that was a conversation for another day.
The couple shared a tearful goodbye and Jovi left to go back to the states. They knew being apart would be difficult and Jovi still had his doubts about the situation, but they were willing to give it a try.
Luckily, everything worked out for the best! Jovi and Yara wore Ukranian colors to the 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Season 7 Tell All and shared the latest on their relationship.
Stay tuned to see what's next for Jovi and Yara!
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