Angela and Michael: Our Journey So Far
Take a look back at Angela and Michael's 90 Day Fiance love story.
We first met Angela and Michael on 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days Season 2. These two found love on social media when Michael messaged Angela out of the blue. After getting to know each other online, Angela planned to fly from Georgia to Nigeria to meet her man.
Angela's family was skeptical about the relationship and voiced concerns about their 20-year age gap, but she was determined to follow her heart. Despite those concerns, she still prepared for her trip to Nigeria. Here she is getting her hair done.
Once Angela arrived, these two were inseparable. However, they did have a few rough moments. They didn't have the best communication at times and Angela wondered if Michael was ashamed of her, but he assured her he wasn't.
The couple had a night out with Michael's friends, where they discussed marriage roles and cultural differences.
Trust issues weighed heavy on Angela's mind and she shared her feelings with Michael. Although things weren't perfect, these two wanted to truly commit to being together.
Angela proposed to Michael with an engagement ring and an American flag.
The couple waited and waited for Michael's K-1 Visa approval. Eventually, Angela headed back to Nigeria so she and Michael could spend more time together. Here, they reunited on 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days Season 3.
Although they were happy to be together again, things weren't easy. The couple argued about dishonesty within their relationship.
Michael tried to apologize to Angela with a cake (like he did the year before) and it ended up all over his face.
Angela and Michael kissed at the fertility doctor's office. They found out that the odds of Angela carrying their child were very low. When Angela asked her daughter, Skyla, for an egg to carry, the idea was shot down. Having a child was very important to Michael, so they hoped there would be another way to make that happen.
The couple visited Michael's mother, Aduke, and they discussed future plans. She further emphasized the importance of Michael having a child.
A few days before Angela had to return to America, she and Michael enjoyed their beautiful engagement party.
Next, Angela and Michael appeared on 90 Day Fiance Season 7. Here, Angela talked with her lawyer about Michael's visa denial, which put all of their big plans on hold.
Angela traveled to Nigeria again. She and Michael dealt with recurring issues and concerns within their relationship, mostly involving trust, honesty, and children.
Angela and Michael kissed during a boat ride in Nigeria on 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After Season 5.
Angela and Michael had an intense talk about expectations for their marriage. They struggled to combine their Nigerian and American customs and understood that it wouldn't be simple — but they knew it would be worth it.
These two looked amazing on their wedding day — and took a selfie to prove it. Congrats, newlyweds! Shortly after, Angela returned to America and Michael applied for his spousal visa. They continued making things work with thousands of miles between them.
On 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Season 6, Angela and Michael felt the physical and emotional distance more than ever.
Angela scheduled gastric sleeve, liposuction, and breast reduction surgeries in Los Angeles, but Michael was very hesitant about her procedures. He didn't approve.
Michael confided in his friend, Bode. They discussed the difficulties of his marriage and all of the changes Angela was making in America.
Angela video chatted with Michael to confront him about his lack of support throughout her surgery process. This particualr issue weighed heavily on Angela.
The couple's distance and lack of communication created even more tension. Angela met with a tech specialist to ask if she could track Michael's location and activity through his phone.
After some heated conversations with Michael, Angela met with her lawyer to discuss a potential divorce.
Eventually, the couple decided to fight for their marriage. They had a romantic, virtual date night to spice things up — bubble bath and all.
Since Michael was still waiting for his visa approval, his friends suggested getting his sperm tested and sending it over to the United States ahead of himself. Michael considered it a step toward starting his family with Angela, but she definitely wasn't on the same page. However, she agreed to support him and wanted to "attend" the consultation.
And so, Michael brought Angela along to his sperm donation via video chat. The couple had tons of questions for the doctor and then, it was time for Michael to produce a sample to send out to the lab for testing. Angela had an absolute field day, laughing all throughout the visit.
Angela's prior surgeries helped her lose 100 lbs! Since her body changed so much over the course of a few months, she went shopping for new clothes. She was truly feeling herself!
Angela visited a doctor to discuss her fertility and options for carrying a child. Unfortunately, there were many factors working against Angela and Michael having a baby together. Skyla did not want to risk her health to donate an egg and Angela's pregnancy would be considered a geriatric one, if she would be even able to carry at all. After hearing the devastating news, Angela was worried she'd disappoint Michael, but she knew she had to tell him the truth.
The couple appeared on the 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Season 6 Tell All and talked about their troubles having a child together, among other issues. Tensions rose when Michael's aunt, Lydia, entered the mix. Angela felt disrespected by Lydia and she said that Michael wasn't standing up for her like a husband should. The conversation erupted and Angela, who was now on bad terms with Michael, walked out of the Tell All early.
Later on, Angela and Michael worked things out. Although Angela's relationship with Michael wasn't on the rocks anymore, her teeth sure were. She visited a dentist and discussed getting dental implants to improve her smile. She broke down at the sight of what her teeth would soon look like and for Angela, the future was very bright.
Then, the couple appeared on the seventh season of 90 Day Fiance: Happily Every After. Angela was still waiting on Michael's spousal visa and the distance was causing a rift between them. Michael joined social media again and for the first time, Angela genuinely questioned her husband's motives.
Angela emailed a painter named Billy about a piece of art she wanted to have done for Michael. Eventually, Angela and Billy became friends and posted fun dances together on social media. Angela even considered visiting Billy in Canada to meet in person. Angela's friendship with Billy was especially comforting for her given her recent troubles with Michael.
Angela called Michael and confronted him about his social media accounts. When Michael refused to take them down, Angela's emotions boiled over.
Surprise! Angela flew to Nigeria to check up on Michael...without telling Michael she was coming. Angela showed up at Michael's door and they immediately butted heads. They had a blowout fight that Angela referred to as a "nightmare."
Despite their rocky start, Angela and Michael made up and were able to enjoy each other's company once again. Angela lost over 100 pounds since her weight loss surgery and she was thrilled when Michael acknowledged her new physique.
But the warm and cozy feelings didn't last long. Angela told Michael that she didn't want him to have his own social media accounts, but Michael assured Angela that he wasn't using them to flirt with other women. Unfortunately, it was a non-negotiable situation for Angela and she stormed off.
Later on, Angela revealed that Michael called another woman "his person" online and she had all the receipts. Michael said it was slang phrase in Nigeria, but Angela wasn't having any of it. Angela was convinced that Michael just didn't care about her anymore.
In an effort to save his marriage, Michael met up with Angela and deleted his account in front of her. Then, Angela went through Michael's phone and called a woman in his contacts. It was an exhausting, emotional evening, but they agreed to work on their trust issues together.
Michael suggested seeing a marriage counselor and Angela hesitantly agreed. During their visit, the couple discussed how Michael could regain Angela's trust as well as Angela's interactions with her online friend, Billy. They decided to wipe the slate clean and start off fresh.
Angela told Michael her plan to go to Canada to visit and support Billy, who was sick with kidney disease. Michael wanted to meet his wife's friend and the couple set up a video call. Michael told Billy that Angela had a crush on him and asked if Billy had a crush on Angela as well. Things grew quite awkward after that. To avoid upsetting Michael, Angela decided not to go through with her visit.
Angela's time in Nigeria came to an end and through all of the ups and downs, the couple remained strong and hopeful.
After Angela returned to the states, she received devastating news. Michael had been talking to another woman and Angela received the screenshots and voice messages.
The couple appeared on the 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After Season 7 Tell All: No Limits and reflected on the highs and lows of their relationship.
Stay tuned to see what's next for Angela and Michael!
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