Made-Up Baby Names Are on the Rise, Survey Finds

Parents are giving their babies unique monikers.

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Man, woman with lilttle daughter holding wooden toothbrush.


Man, woman with lilttle daughter holding wooden toothbrush.

Photo by: Halfpoint Images

Halfpoint Images

If you’re looking for baby name inspiration, maybe you should skip all of the “most popular” lists and jump on the trend of making up your own.

That’s right, while traditional names like Sophia, Olivia, Liam and Noah are still very popular, a new survey found that some parents are getting creative. Parents are choosing to make sure their child’s name is truly unique, so they are making them up.

According to the survey, 94 percent of parents think made-up baby names are becoming more popular among new parents, with a third claiming one-off names will “make their child feel special.” However, 16 percent of those surveyed worry that these unique names will actually reflect poorly on the parents and their kids will pay the price. Regardless, the survey suggests this naming trend is here to stay.

“Shakespeare invented many names that have stood the test of time, like Imogen and Jessica,” the survey creators said. “Now the social media boom means we are all writers and publishers, so parents are making up baby names that give their child a unique start in life.”

So, what are the most popular made-up names? According to the UK-based survey, here are the top “one-off” names.

Top Names for Girls:

  1. Maevery
  2. Faelina
  3. Idalia
  4. Evabeth
  5. Tessadora
  6. Anaveah
  7. Jessalie
  8. Sylvalie
  9. Sophiel
  10. Elisobelle

Top Names for Boys:

  1. Jaspin
  2. Charleston
  3. Brigham
  4. Ranger
  5. Wrenlow
  6. Eastley
  7. Graylen
  8. Albion
  9. Tovin
  10. Cedar

What do you think of these names? Does your child have a unique name? Tell us in the comments.

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