Why Every Parent Needs These Eco-Friendly Utensils and Disposable Mats for Mealtime
For easy, responsible mealtime at home or on the go.

Am I the only one who finds it super frustrating that their kid's school is all about the plastic? Plastic utensils, plastic plates, even styrofoam sometimes. No, no, no — just no!
Okay, so I'm being a little dramatic, but I'm not feeling it. You know what I'm also not feeling though? The bamboo compostable silverware that's at my local grocery store. It’s flimsy and the forks don’t do a great job at actually spearing food.
That's why I'm ordering THEO'S lately. THEO’S was founded by Monica, a stay-at-home mom of three, ages eight, six, and 18 months. She dreaded feeding times and wanted to make mealtime easier, while keeping in mind the environment and her budget — but everything she saw online was expensive, full of loud designs, and not environmentally sound. Plus, she didn’t want to spend all her time laundering or scrubbing splat mats and placemats. That’s when she knew she had to invent the solution for herself.
THEO’S makes eco-friendly utensils that are 100% plant-based, biodegradable/compostable, BPA and melamine-free — and cute! The silverware is gray, and it doesn’t feel gender specific. THEO'S silverware is also pretty elegant and well-shaped — it’s ergonomically made to teach babies and toddlers how to feed themselves with balanced weight, wide comfort handles, and rounded edges. I can even use them, in a pinch, to scoop up peanut butter for my son's sandos or dollop out sauces for my cheese plates at picnics in the park. If I keep a set in my car or purse, I’m ready for anything.
What’s even better, for restaurants and the park, is this mealtime clutch that lets mamas and papas of little ones just grab and go. When my guy was one, the nap windows were so short, we just needed to hit the park really quickly on the bike, then ride home in time for the morning or afternoon nap. So, this 12-piece clutch is perfect for not having to pack a whole basket.
What I like to call my "go-now clutch" features four disposable splat mats made of 100% recycled materials, featuring food-safe ink and paper. The splat mats are 100% biodegradable and compostable, so you can throw them in your garden or in the green bin with your veggie scraps.
Throw the splat mats under a high chair, even at a restaurant or a friend’s house — wherever you’d rather not make a mess. Then, on the high chair, pop on three eco-friendly stick-on placemats that are BPA-free and made to degrade quickly and minimize waste and pollution. Then, you get two sets of plant-based spoons and forks, in case you have two to feed. Mealtime is way less stressful when you know that cleaning it up doesn’t trash the earth!