New Mom Amy Schumer Got Real About Why She Stopped Breastfeeding

Fed is best.

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Photo by: Instagram: @amyschumer

Instagram: @amyschumer

Amy Schumer is known for being candid about most aspects of her life. The new mom, who welcomed her son Gene back in May, is now talking about the pressure placed on mothers to breastfeed, and how making the choice to give her son formula was best for her and for her baby.

While making an appearance on the Informed Pregnancy and Parenting Podcast, Schumer chatted about how nursing did not come easily–a sentiment that many moms feel.

“I wanted him to get the colostrum,” Schumer said. “We had a lactation expert come over. He didn’t latch and I just didn’t feel that push to make that happen. Then I pumped for like the first month.”

Schumer said she finally realized this was not working for her and made a change. “Then I was like, ‘Not for me…’ This is not for me and I didn’t want to do it,” she said. “Some people just absolutely love it and I’m so happy for them, and it was just bumming me out. But then I was also kind of proud doing it and whatever and getting him the milk and stuff. Then once it occurred to me that I could stop. I was like, ‘I’m going to stop…’ And then, every week what I did was just took away one session of the pumping.”

Gene is meeting all of his milestone and Schumer is at peace with her choice. She even got some mom-advice from friend Serena Williams, who recommended a German brand of formula called Holle.

“It just has less sugar, and he did great on that," Schumer said.

Being a new mom is hard and exhausting. We hear over and over that breast is best and that nursing should come naturally. So, when it doesn’t, it can be stressful for the mom and the baby–all of which makes nursing even harder.

We love that Schumer did what was best for her family and made a choice that worked for her and Gene. She reminded us that putting your baby’s health first and doing what is right for both of you is what makes you a great mom!

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