Little People, Big World’s Tori Roloff Gets Real about Mom Life

"Here’s hoping this brings you a good laugh, and hopefully you’re day was better than mine!"

July 30, 2018
By: TLCme

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Little People, Big World's Tori Roloff opened up on Instagram about one particularly tough day she had recently.

"This is for all those mamas out there that sometime feel like they are sinking. That's been me this week! But today in particular," Tori admitted before recounting the stressful moments we're sure many moms can relate to.

"Started out with my husband waking up sick - his headache," Tori explained. "Now we did get to enjoy a lovely day with friends by the pool but that's where the fun ended. I came home to Zach still being sick so I tried to play hard ball and get him up and moving- bad idea. He threw up on our front porch because he couldn't make it to the bathroom (I guess I should be thankful it wasn't inside). So then I had to hose off throw up from our front porch."

Headaches have plagued Zach for years, with an especially bad one documented on the show close to baby Jackson's birth.

However, the day didn't stop with Zach's illness. "I then come back inside to relax, but heard Jackson awake in his crib," Tori continued.

"He often wakes up and just hangs quietly. I needed the extra time so I left him a couple minutes. After about 20 min I went in his room... this is where it gets bad. I noticed something on his face (of course I think it's blood or something and start freaking out). As I moved closer the smell overcame me. I noticed brown spread all over his sheets and crib- and oh ya- that's poop... IN HIS HAIR!!!! To make matters worse... we don't currently have hot water in our house so I had to drive to another house to bathe him. So ya. That's my day."

Talk about not catching a break! Lucky for her (and her followers on Instagram), there was a lesson that came out of this fiasco.

"ALSO: first time parents: never. Ever. Under any circumstances. Put your child to bed in just a diaper. Just don't do it. We all have those days. Today involved both vomit and poop. I mean can tomorrow get any worse? Don't answer that."

Classic Tori -- dealing with life's curveballs with a sense of humor. Can you say mom goals?

You can catch Tori and the rest of the Roloff gang with full episodes of Little People, Big World on TLC GO!

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