This Girl Tried Pizza For the First Time and Her Reaction Captured Everything That Pizza Is
Girl trying pizza for the first time captured the experience and our hearts forever.
Yes. Girl. Yes. The good news is my sweet angel many things in life will change, you'll learn to accept change as the only constant in life -- the other constant is pizza, pizza is always this magical. Throughout your life, you'll be comforted by the fact pizza will always be there for you. That warm, gooey cheesy, sometimes cold from the night before -- no matter how you indulge, it's always a win.
Thank you pizza girl, for reminding us of the simple things in life. How simple love is, how love is kind - pure and good and that there is no love greater than the love for pizza.
One more time because she represents everything that is true and pure and good in this world and we will forever sing her praises.