Tiffany and Ronald: Our Journey in Photos
Take a look back at Tiffany and Ronald's 90 Day Fiance journey from the very beginning.
We first met Tiffany and Ronald on 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way Season 1. Their story began when Tiffany and her friend traveled to South Africa, where Ronald lived. The two met and instantly clicked. The couple worked hard at their long-distance relationship and six months later, Tiffany returned to South Africa and Ronald proposed!
The bride-to-be tried on her gown and fell in love with the style. The couple decided to have their wedding in South Africa.
Tiffany had lunch with her mom, Maggie, and her sister, Laura. Together, they discussed Ronald's troubled past. Maggie and Laura raised concerns about the relationship's stability as the wedding approached.
Meanwhile, Ronald was coping with his gambling addiction in a South African wellness center. He came a long way, but worried that his past would stand in the way of him moving to America. So, Tiffany and her young son, Daniel, planned to come to him instead.
Tiffany broke the news about her big move to her friend, Jasmine.
Once Tiffany arrived in South Africa, she picked Ronald up from the wellness center and Daniel got to meet his future step-dad for the first time! The couple was set to wed in a week.
They tied the knot! It was an emotional day for everyone.
Not too long after the wedding, Tiffany found out she and Ronald were going to have a baby. Although these two were happy to be together at last, they still struggled with trust and Ronald's visa application.
After staying in South Africa for a while, Tiffany and Ronald agreed that the birth of their baby should take place in America. The couple decided to continue their relationship from a distance and work on getting Ronald a spousal visa. Here, Daniel joined them for a goodbye hug at the airport.
Next, the married couple appeared on 90 Day Fiance: What Now? Season 4. Tiffany gave birth to a baby girl, Carley, and Skyped with Ronald for some long-distance quality time.
Tiffany and Daniel traveled back to South Africa with baby Carley, and Ronald met his daughter for the first time! They enjoyed a family outing to the zoo, where Ronald and Tiffany discussed the spousal visa process.
Ronald got emotional at little Carley's baptism.
After their visit, Tiffany, Daniel, and Carley returned to America. Here they are, cleaning their groceries on 90 Day Fiance: Self-Quarantined. Tiffany was still waiting on Ronald's visa approval, but the pandemic put a hold on their plans.
Ronald video chatted with Tiffany and their therapist. The two decided to continue working on their marriage from afar.
And that work continued on 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Season 6. Tiffany and Ronald were finally in a good place and caught up over video chat.
Tiffany met with her father, Carlos, to discuss Ronald's sponsorship and hopeful move to the United States. She revealed Ronald's past and after hearing the entire situation, Carlos agreed take on the responsibility. Tiffany was beyond grateful.
She scheduled an appointment with an immigration lawyer to discuss Ronald's upcoming interview. Ronald joined via video chat, but his lack of enthusiasm and focus frustrated Tiffany.
Despite a big fight with Ronald about finances and plane tickets, Tiffany flew to South Africa with Daniel and Carley. The family reunited once again.
Ronald brought everyone to his home to settle in.
Then, Ronald revealed a huge surprise. He built a new room for Daniel himself! He wanted Daniel to feel as comfortable as possible and hoped that Tiffany would extend the family's stay in South Africa.
However, it didn't take very long for things to go south. Tiffany felt that Ronald wasn't pulling his weight or putting in enough effort as a parent. The couple couldn't help but bicker about their roles within the marriage.
To raise everyone's spirits, Tiffany and Ronald planned a family day. They took Daniel and Carley to an elephant sanctuary.
Despite Tiffany and Ronald's ongoing issues, it was a fun day for everyone.
During an argument about finances and Ronald's spending habits, Tiffany revealed that she saw a divorce lawyer back in the states. Ronald was crushed.
It was time for Tiffany and Ronald to buckle down and address all of their issues in person. They met with a marriage counselor (who also happened to be Ronald's uncle) in hopes of repairing their marriage.
Stay tuned to see what's next for Tiffany and Ronald.