Joanna Gaines' Heartwarming 'Live for Now' Post is the Perfect Parenting Resolution
A little parenting motivation from our favorite Fixer Upper mom

You know her. You love her. You wish she would come to your house and work her Fixer Upper magic. Mom-of-five Joanna Gaines is sharing a little parenting wisdom and perspective on Instagram. Her message is exactly what we need to hear when the days get crazy and parenting gets overwhelming.
“It's always been my nature to reflect on the past and linger there a while. I find myself thinking about what I will miss and how life is just moving too fast,” she captions a photo of her super-cute baby, Crew. “I mean Crew is already six months old and saying "mama" (I had to throw that in there, sorry Chip). Drake will be driving in two years and off to college in four. And just like that I have found myself mourning the past but now in future tense. You see what I just did there? This whole time thing can feel like a thief if you let it.”
How many times have you looked at your Facebook memories and when pictures from the past pop up of your babies, who aren’t quite babies, it leaves you in tears? For me — it’s most days. Pictures of my kids as babies is my kryptonite.
She continues, “I'm challenging myself in this new year to live for now. The present. Taking in every breath, every sight, and sound and holding it dearly. Not thinking about how the good ol' days have passed us by or how the best is yet to come. But that right now, this very second, this is the gift. These are the days. These are the moments. And I’m gonna breathe them all in. If there's pain and sorrow, or happiness and hope, let it in and then let it out.”
So rather than always dwelling on how quickly time is slipping through our fingers, the HGTV star suggests we all live for the now. Stay present! Now that is a resolution I’d love to keep all year long.
She finishes the poignant post with these final thoughts: “I want to enjoy the now because it's the only thing we can actually embrace. I want to hold it carefully. Hold it thoughtfully. I want to rid myself of the little distractions because I have found that these are the thieves that steal our moments and rob our days. But time, time is our most precious gift.”
Even though we’re already a few weeks into the New Year, this seems like the perfect resolution to start right now.