Here’s How Moms Are Celebrated Around the World on Mother’s Day
From Peru to France, here’s how celebrating Mom is an international affair.

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Mother's Day Traditions Around the Globe
While homemade cards, bouquets of flowers, and brunch for mom are Mother’s Day staples in the United States, other countries around the world are planning their own celebrations. Even though Mother's Day falls on different days around the world and there are different traditions, one thing is universal — we love our moms and we want her to feel special on her day.
Here’s a look at how Mother’s Day is celebrated around the globe. Maybe you’ll find some new inspiration when celebrating your own mom this year! But first, here’s some quick backstory on how Mother’s Day came to be in the United States.
United States
The first Mother's Day was celebrated in America in 1908 thanks to Anna Jarvis, who wanted to hold a memorial for her late mother. Jarvis, who was a peace activist and a Civil War medic, said she wanted to create a holiday that would be dedicated to moms. In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson declared that the second Sunday in May would become a national holiday, and in 1920, Hallmark began selling Mother's Day cards. Soon after, celebrating mom with cards, gifts, brunch, and flowers became a Mother’s Day tradition.
Mom is at the heart of Mexican culture, and Dia de las Madres is a day to celebrate these special women. Traditionally on May 10, children get up early and start playing music to wake their moms. Then they put on a skit for mom, hand out homemade cards and gifts and then it’s off to lunch or dinner out so mom doesn't have to cook.
Mother’s Day in Ethiopia, called Antrosht, is celebrated over three days. Starting on the second Sunday of May, families have large feasts and celebrations. It’s up to the kids to find the ingredients for the meals made for mom.
United Kingdom
The U.K. has observed Mother’s Day on the fourth Sunday of Lent since the 16th century. Called Mothering Sunday, families attend church and shower mom with gifts and flowers.
The French Mother's Day is known as Fete des Meres and the origins of their holiday is wrapped in women's equality. In the early 1900s, French men with four or more children received a special honor from the government. Because the country was seeing record low numbers in birth rates, they started these rewards as a way to encourage families to have more kids. So, in 1904, the French government made the decision that women were made eligible for this honor and finally recognized as equal heads of the family. By 1920, a national holiday was declared to celebrate mothers as well as women's equality. Their Mother’s Day is celebrated on the last Sunday in May with gifts and meals for mom.
In Japan, Mother’s Day can be traced back to 1913, but the holiday was stopped during World War II. When the holiday started again, it was to honor and console the mothers who lost children during the war. However, today on the second Sunday of May, all mothers are celebrated. Children give their moms red or pink carnations to symbolize purity, love, and endurance. Plus, kids take over the chores for the day.
During the week leading up to Dia de la Madre, families are preparing large meals, parties, and performances for moms in their communities. Then, on the second Sunday in May, families in Peru go to cemeteries and gather around the graves of their female relatives. They spend the day cleaning and decorating the graves to honor the women who have passed.
In Italy, Mother’s day is known as La Festa della Mamma and celebrated on the second Sunday of every May. Mom is gifted roses and handwritten notes and poems instead of cards. Then it’s time to take mom out to lunch to give her a break from cooking and for dessert — mom gets a heart shaped cake.
Known as Muttertag in Germany, this holiday is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. Mother’s Day can be dated back to the Middle Ages in Germany, when families visited each other to welcome spring and the beginning of new life. In Germany, kids will give their moms colorful bouquets of flowers.
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