Expecting? Here Are Online Resources to Help You Get Ready
Can’t take a birthing class in person? Try an online one instead.

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Resources for Expecting Moms
If you are a mom-to-be and planned on taking a few prenatal classes, the coronavirus has probably caused them to be cancelled. However, there’s no need to stress, Mama. There are plenty of online classes that will give you all of the info you need before you bring home your bundle of joy.
From planning your labor and delivery to hypnobirthing and support with breastfeeding, you can find just about every prenatal class online. As an added bonus, you can stay in your pajamas during each course.
While some of these classes are free, others do charge a fee. Be sure to check if your insurance will cover some or all of the costs.
Labor Confidence with Lamaze
These courses are free and give parents access when it is convenient for them. Each course focuses on preparing moms for labor, practices to help support a healthy birth and how to identify coping techniques for use during early and active labor.
Child and Baby First Aid/CPR/AED
The Red Cross offers online courses that will teach you how to administer CPR and first aid to your baby. Hopefully you will never have to use it, but knowing how to act in emergency is essential.
Breastfeeding and Pumping
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia offers a wealth of info for new moms when it comes to breastfeeding and pumping during those early days of motherhood.
Mama Natural Birth Course
Hosted by a doula, these courses are a fabulous resource for moms interested in natural births. Right now, there is a 25 percent discount on courses.
The Bradley Method
For moms looking to explore a medication-free delivery, check out the virtual resources being offered by the Bradley Method.
Pregnancy, Labor, and Newborns
The Mayo Clinic is offering a wealth of information in their e-courses that will cover all parts of labor, delivery and how to care for your baby and yourself.
Birth, Labor and Breastfeeding Basics with Lamaze
Bundle the most popular courses from Lamaze and–the best part–take each of these classes without leaving your couch.
Baby Center Video Series
This free video series will tackle everything from learning the signs and stages of labor, to exploring pain management and discovering the keys for a positive birth.
Prenatal Classes for Couples
If your partner wants to join and learn with you, these courses are designed for both of you.
For moms-to-be looking to learn hypnobirthing, this is the course for you. Learn the basics of this technique and how to use it during labor and delivery.