Ready to Get a Tablet for Your Child? Here Are Some Great Options
Tablets built with your little one’s screentime and safety in mind.

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The Best Tablets For Kids
Kids today quickly become digital geniuses, and as parents try to balance screen time with the educational benefits of allowing little ones to explore enriching apps and games, you may be in the market for a tablet that is designed with your little one in mind. First, it needs to be durable because kids are, well … kids. Next you’ll want to make sure your child is safe online and that the tablet already has parental controls that allow you to determine how much screen time kids can have each day, as well as what they are looking at online. You may love your iPad but if it’s not what you want for your child — no worries, you have plenty of great options.
If you’re looking for a tablet that gives you the best balance of kid-friendly entertainment and education, here are 8 tablets that are perfect for little kids.