Parenting Win of the Week: A Clean Medicine Find

Being sick can feel so much worse if you or your kids have allergies to popular medicines. Luckily, an innovative, dad-owned company is here to help.

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Photo by: Jose Luis Pelaez Inc

Jose Luis Pelaez Inc

Does this story sound familiar? Kid home sick, finally better. Next kid home sick, finally better. Mom home sick, finally better. Bracing that dad doesn’t get the man flu.

Yes, my house has been a hotbed of germs since Thanksgiving and I’d venture to say this is the worst we’ve been sick in a very long time.

And as a side note, WHY do kids always throw up in the middle of the night?!

Although I am not the biggest fan of lots of medicine all the time, with high fevers and lots of coughing, it was something we couldn’t avoid this time around. We needed lots of it for everyone.

I recently learned that I have a lot of contact allergens to things that never bothered me before. So now, I read ingredients of just about everything — very closely — looking for products that don’t contain a lot of unnecessary extras just because. When you are allergic to very small, random ingredients, it’s a lot to unravel the mystery of just what you are allergic to.

When I was first introduced to Genexa, a clean medicine brand founded by two dads, a few years back, I was intrigued. Everything is free of artificial dyes, sweeteners, or preservatives, as well as common allergens. A huge win for parents with food allergies, too.

I never thought about the fact that the medicine itself is only a small part of what you are taking and that the rest of it is the delivery of that medicine — preservatives, sweeteners, and color to make it more appealing. This is especially prominent in kids' medicines because, let’s be honest, it can sometimes be a monumental, multiple breakdown kind of challenge to get kids to take medicine.

When Genexa’s founders, David Johnson and Max Spielberg, were new dads at the time, they were shopping the medicine aisle. They were shocked to see certain ingredients that carry warning labels in other countries, were just in children’s medicine. But they knew it would be a feat to develop something that had no artificial fillers while also being shelf stable. With a lot of research and work, they were able to do just that.

That part is appealing! Plus, if you’ve tried to get medicine at the store lately, it’s very hit or miss with supply, and lucky for Genexa, that hasn’t been a worry because they are a smaller-batch medicine company and they’ve been able to avoid the same issues. And this isn’t something you need to grab at a specialty store, you can find it nationwide in CVS, Walgreens, Sprouts, and more.

As parents, I think we are always examining what our kids eat or put on their skin — but at least for me, I didn’t even think about medicine because it was just what was always available. If you are looking to make the switch, or even just can’t find your regular pain reliever or cough medicine, this is a good option.

And It’s always a good idea to talk to your pediatrician if you have concerns about anything. Not a doctor here, just a mom!


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