I Tested Out All the Popular Strollers and Here's Why I Picked the One I Did
Out of all the top-rated strollers, this was the perfect one for my family.

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The Best Stroller for New Moms
A few months after I found out that I was pregnant, I started to research all of the different items that I’d need as a first-time mom. I asked mom friends for recommendations, put together a list, and headed to a few local stores. After spending a month shopping, I found myself overwhelmed and defeated by the entire process.
For every item that I needed to purchase, there were so many different options to choose from and each option seemed to have mixed reviews.
Since the stroller was not only a big-ticket item, but also something we’d use multiple times a day, I knew that I needed to be extra hands on to make the right decision. I went to a handful of stores and test drove a bunch of popular strollers in order to find the right one for my family. Read on to see what I picked!