Post-Holiday Sales: Here’s What to Buy and What to Skip in January
Deep discounts could mean great deals for you.

How to Save More Money in January
The craziness of the holiday shopping season is officially over, but savvy shoppers will tell you that January is the time of year to save big bucks and land big deals. With so many retailers offering deep discounts on their inventory, which should you snag and which should you pass up? Here’s a list of a few items to buy and a few to skip after holiday sales.
Buy: Winter Clothes
From jackets and sweaters to gloves and scarves, there’s still a lot of cold weather ahead. So snag your winter gear now from your favorite stores. Since stores need to move in spring and summer inventory, you can get great deals on winter clothing.
Skip: Toys and Electronics
If you didn’t get that “it” toy of the holiday season or the tablet that was on your wish list, January is not the time to shop for these items. The best deals for toys, electronics and game consoles were pre-holidays. Instead, wait for sales on these items later in the year.
Buy: Gym Memberships and Gym Equipment
Tis the season for New Year’s resolutions and gyms want you as customers. So, expect big discounts on home gym equipment, as well as great deals on gym memberships.
Skip: Luggage
If you have spring break travel plans and you want to upgrade your luggage, January is not the time to do it. Since so many people are dreaming of their next vacay after making travel resolutions, you are more likely to spend too much on luggage. Instead, wait until summer when prices are down.
Buy: Holiday Décor
Even though you just put your stockings and decorations away, now is the time to stock up on items like lights, artificial trees, décor and wrapping paper. So, grab these deeply discounted items now and put them away for next Christmas.
Skip: Mattresses
If you want to upgrade your bed, don’t do it in January. Prices are often higher this month, but you will find some President’s Day sales next month on new mattresses. Even better—wait for Memorial Day and Labor Day sales.
Buy: Televisions
With the Big Game coming up in a few weeks, you can expect to see big sales on the latest models of TVs for your home. So, if you have been looking to upgrade, snag one now.
Skip: Summer Outdoor Gear
Sure, it’s officially off-season, but January is when retailers are looking to load up on new models of grills and patio furniture. So now is not the time to buy these big-ticket items.
Buy: Bedding and Towels
January is traditionally the time of year that retailers are placing items like bedsheets, comforters, linens, towels and pillows on sale. Check out department stores’ annual “White Sale” to save big on these necessities.