Should You Have a Baby Shower After the Baby is Born?
Pre-baby or post-baby showers: Which team are you on?

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A baby shower usually consists of the mom-to-be, friends and family gushing over baby onesies and noshing on tiny sandwiches. While we are big fans of tiny onesies and tiny sandwiches, some moms are changing up the baby shower tradition and waiting until the guest of honor is born to have a big party, instead. There are pros and cons to pre-baby and post-baby showers. Here are a few for you to consider when deciding when to host your baby shower.
Having a Baby Shower Before the Baby Arrives Helps You Prepare.

Jose Luis Pelaez Inc
If this is your first baby, then you are carefully crafting your baby registry and asking all your mom friends about the must-have items. So, having a baby shower before your little one arrives allows you the time to sort through gifts and take stock of what you still need. Plus, it’s really exciting to open up the presents and imagine your little one enjoying all the cute outfits and gear you will receive at your baby shower.
This Isn’t Your First Rodeo and You Already Have Your Fair Share of Baby Gear.

Sydney Bourne
Waiting until after the baby arrives is a great way to introduce your new little one to friends and family without all of the pressure and planning of a big baby shower. If your guests want to bring something for the baby, you can ask for things you really need — help! A post baby shower is a great way for your friends to setup a dinner donation schedule, sign up to be a mother’s helper or offer their babysitting services. You have enough pacifiers and diapers – what you really need when your baby arrives is an extra hand.
You Want to Show Off that Cute Bump.

Petri Oeschger
A few weeks postpartum, you may not be ready to get dressed up and juggle a newborn at a party. However, a shower before the baby arrives is the perfect chance to dress up your bump and show it off.
A Party After is a Great Way to See a Lot of People at Once.

Ariel Skelley
While visitors are great, it can be overwhelming to have numerous guests in and out of your house weeks after your baby arrives. However, if you have shower after the baby is born, everyone comes on one day. So, your house only needs to be presentable for one day, and you and your baby only need to dress up for one day!
You Can Host a Sip and See Party.

Not only can you finally partake in a glass of wine with your guests, the Sip and See after-baby shower trend also lends itself to some adorable décor, invitations and favors.