25 February-Inspired Baby Names
The sweetest names for your February bundle of love!

Pavlina Popovska
February is a bright spot in the middle of winter. It’s a standout for being the shortest month, but it packs a lot in just 28 or 29 days (depending on the year). Not only does this month host the sweetest and most love-filled holiday, Valentine’s Day, but babies born in the month of February are very special — even scientists agree! So, if you have a baby due in February and you’re looking for a name that is inspired by the second month of the year, we’re sharing baby names that are perfectly poised for your precious February baby.
Amethyst: A beautiful name inspired by the gorgeous purple birthstone for February.
Lincoln: Not only is Presidents Day celebrated in February, but so is Abraham Lincoln’s birthday (February 12, 1809).
Violet: The official flower of February is known for its beauty and vibrant color. It would make a lovely name for a February baby.
Carys: A female name of Welsh origin that means "To Love."
Archer: Your little boy stole your heart. So, give him the name Archer, which means "bowman," as a nod to Cupid.
Pearl: February is known as "helmikuu" in Finnish, which means "month of the pearl," and is a reference to droplets of ice on tree branches.
Amia: This lovely name comes from the French verb "aimer," meaning "to like" or "to love."
Venus: What’s more romantic than being named after the goddess of love and beauty?
Mabel: A beautiful, vintage name that means "loveable."
Ruby: In honor of February's Black History Month, Ruby Bridges made history in 1960, when she was only six years old, as the first Black student to attend William Frantz Elementary in Louisiana.
Aiko: This gender-neutral name means "loved child" in Japanese and works for a boy or a girl.
Primrose: In the UK, primrose is another flower associated with the month of February. Giving this flower to someone means "I can’t live without you."
Dawson: A variation of the name David, this name translates to "love."
Liev: This Hebrew name means "heart."
Teddy: A popular gift given on Valentine’s Day and a nod to President Teddy Roosevelt.
Connelly: An Irish name that means "love and friendship."
Langston: In honor of writer and social activist Langston Hughes, who was born on February 1, 1902, this name means "bright soul."
Rosa: A nod to civil right activities Rosa Parks, who was also born on February 4, 1913. The name Rosa means rose, flower, or the color pink.
Ianthe: Pronounced EE-an-thee or EYE-an-thee, this name is derived from the Greek word for violet.
Fisher: If your baby is a Pisces, this name is a fun spin on your water baby’s astrology sign.
Brigid: With a feast day celebrated on February 1, St. Brigid is the patron saint of Ireland and newborn babies. St. Brigid was known for her generosity.
Milena: A name that means love, warmth, and grace. What a beautiful meaning for a February baby.
Nina: For singer and civil rights activist Nina Simone, who was born on February 21, 1933.
Priya: This Sanskrit name means "beloved."
Rowan: Named after a tree that is associated with the month of February. Rowan trees have bright red berries and can survive in incredibly diverse locations and conditions.