These Fun Card Games Will Keep Your Kids Entertained
Imaginative, silly, and a whole lot of fun

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Go Head-to-Head
A new game is always a great idea! These allow kids to get creative and are good for bonding over a few laughs and light competition. If you're looking for something new for family quality time with your little ones, an appreciation gift for teachers, or something your kids can play with their friends, here are some great options for kid-friendly card games.
Spot It!
Here’s a twist on classic matching and memory games. The player draws a card and has to find the matching symbol on a different card. Its simplicity and colorful illustrations make it perfect for younger kids.
BUY IT: Target, $9.89
Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza
This is a card-stacking, hand-slapping game that is great for groups. As you say each word in the title, you have to slap when the matching card is revealed — and you’ll want to be quick, the slowest slapper takes all the cards!
BUY IT: Target, $9.99
Herd Mentality
Think carefully, but not too long. The object of the game is to come up with the same answers as everyone else, and be one with the herd.
BUY IT: Target, $13.84
Sriracha the Game
In this game, you want to collect all the cards, and you win them by slapping the pairs and sandwiches — it already sounds so, so good.
BUY IT: Macy’s, $14.00
This game of strategy relies on combinations of numbers and colors (no, not like Uno) in order to determine who has the highest card, and therefore wins the round.
BUY IT: Walmart, $11.74
Kids Against Maturity
Get silly! These illustrated cards challenge you to come up with the funniest response to the prompt. The player with the best answer wins the round, and the player who wins the most rounds wins the game.
BUY IT: Target, $24.99
Double Ditto
Think quickly in this fast-paced fun response game. One player picks a card, and everyone writes down two answers. But here’s the twist: you want your answers to match someone else’s.
BUY IT: Amazon, $15.96
No Thanks
You’ve got to play or pay to win this game of strategy. Players collect points from each card, or say "no thanks" and pay with a token to pass the points to the next player. The player with the least amount of points is the winner.
BUY IT: Amazon, $9.99
Double Down
Tension is high as the card stack value goes up. Each player adds a card to the stack, and every double digit number means they’ll lose a chip. The last chip holder wins, but it’s not that easy. There are some action cards in there just to shake the table.
BUY IT: Walmart, $9.99
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