The Dangerous Text Slang That All Parents Need to Know

Some of the slang is potentially dangerous and could be putting your child at risk.

January 17, 2017

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Even if you think you are pretty savvy using emojis and LOLs in your text messages to your kids, don't get too comfortable thinking you can fluently speak your teens "text speak." While most of this text slang is simply how kids communicate with their friends, some of the slang is potentially dangerous and could be putting your child at risk.

As technology changes by the second and you try to keep your kids safe from cyberbullying and sexting, it's important to stay involved and engaged with their social media, emails, and texting. Often the text slang is the perfect way for your child to talk to their friends about topics they don't want you to know about. So even if you are looking at their text messages, you'll have no idea what they are saying.

Since text slang evolves quickly, often too fast for parents to learn, here is a list of common text slang and emojis and what they mean.

Via The Sun

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