Halloween Safety Tips for Kids and Parents
Before the fun begins, here are a few ways to keep your trick-or-treaters safe.

Kids love Halloween because this spooky holiday is all about fun, candy, costumes and more candy. From parties and parades to trick-or-treating, kids of all ages will be out and celebrating this season. However, while Halloween is meant for fun, it is also important to stay vigilant. So, here’s a few tips to keep all of your ghosts and goblins safe.
- Before your kids head out the door to trick-or-treat, give them an extra reason to shine with glow-in-the dark necklaces and bracelets, or a flashlight. These accessories are festive and, more importantly, they are a great way to make road crossing much safer.
- If your older kids are trick-or-treating without you, be sure they leave with a group of friends. Remind them to avoid houses that don’t have a front porch light on and set a strict curfew or a meeting place to go to if they get lost.
- Kids are excited to hit up a few houses for candy on Halloween, but remind everyone to stay on the sidewalk, stay off the road and cross the street with an adult.
- Before the parties and parades begin, make sure your kids’ costumes are ready. Can they see out of their masks—what’s in front of them and side-to-side? Can they walk in their costume without tripping or falling? If they have accessories, like swords or staffs, make sure they are soft and easy to carry. Also, make sure you give all Halloween makeup a test run to avoid allergic reactions on the big night.
- All trick-or-treaters want a ton of candy, but make sure your kids know that there is no need to go inside a home to get some. Staying on the front porch is the perfect place to collect Halloween goodies.
- Be sure to snap a lot of pictures of your kiddos all dressed up as monsters, princesses and superheroes, but put the phone down and keep your head up while trick-or-treating to avoid distractions.
- It can be tempting to eat the candy right away. However, make it a rule that your kids must let you check their stash before they have a few sweet treats. Toss any candy that is unwrapped and double check labels for kids with food allergies.
- Get your house ready for trick-or-treaters by removing items from your steps or the walkway to your home.
- If you are driving on Halloween, remember to stay alert and avoid distractions like your phone. Drive slowly and be aware of trick-or-treaters.