My 600lb Life Transformation Gallery
See the weight-loss transformations from this season of My 600lb Life
John Before | My 600lb Life
Lonnie Before | My 600lb Life
John | My 600lb Life
John enjoys playing basketball with his son, but his weight makes it difficult to participate.
John & Lonnie | My 600lb Life
Because John and Lonnie live in Texas, Dr. Now did not need them to relocate to Houston.
John & Lonnie | My 600lb Life
When John and Lonnie reach their goal weight, they would like to travel to Cabo and Italy.
John After | My 600lb Life
Lonnie After | My 600lb Life
Lindsey Before | My 600lb Life
Lindsey | My 600lb Life
Lindsey's favorite color is teal.
Lindsey | My 600lb Life
Before her first appointment with Dr. Now, Lindsey had never been to the state of Texas.
Lindsey After | My 600lb Life
Bethany Before | My 600lb Life
Bethany | My 600lb Life
It is 613 miles from Bethany's hometown in Oklahoma to Houston, TX.
Bethany | My 600lb Life
Bethany's dream vacation is to backpack across Europe.
Bethany | My 600lb Life
Bethany's bariatric surgery took an hour and a half to complete.
Bethany After | My 600lb Life
J.T. Before | My 600lb Life
J.T. | My 600lb Life
J.T. always dreamed of playing the trumpet.
J.T. | My 600lb Life
J.T. was shocked to see how big the city of Houston was. He's from a small town of about 15,000 people.
J.T. | My 600lb Life
If J.T. could visit any city in the world, he would like to visit Tokyo, Japan.
J.T. After | My 600lb Life
Gina Before | My 600lb Life
Gina | My 600lb Life
Gina's favorite thing about living in New Jersey is being close to her family.
Gina | My 600lb Life
The best piece of advice Gina has been given is: "Take everything minute by minute."
Gina | My 600lb Life
Gina's dream vacation is to go on a tropical cruise.
Gina After | My 600lb Life
Travis Before | My 600lb Life
Travis | My 600lb Life
The best advice Travis ever received was to always listen. His motto is: “Slow to speak, quick to listen.”
Travis | My 600lb Life
Seeing Dr. Now was also Travis's first time in Houston, TX.
Travis | My 600lb Life
If Travis could travel to any city in the world, he would go to Bora Bora.
Travis After | My 600lb Life
Joyce Before | My 600lb Life
Joyce | My 600lb Life
Joyce's favorite childhood memory was going shopping every Saturday with her grandma and her Aunt Debbie.
Joyce | My 600lb Life
When Joyce was younger, she loved to breakdance.
Joyce | My 600lb Life
Joyce's first travel wish is to visit Hawaii.
Joyce After | My 600lb Life
Carlton Before | My 600lb Life
Carlton | My 600lb Life
Carlton's favorite childhood memory was having a birthday party at a hotel when he was 13.
Carlton | My 600lb Life
If Carlton could time travel, he would go to the year 3000 and see if cars fly.
Carlton | My 600lb Life
Carlton's favorite feature about Monica is her optimism.
Carlton After | My 600lb Life
Shantel Before | My 600lb Life
Shantel | My 600lb Life
If Shantel had three wishes, she would wish for financial stability, a long life for her children and for her mom to live closer.
Shantel | My 600lb Life
Shantel's hidden talent is that she's a singer and songwriter.
Shantel | My 600lb Life
Shantel's dream job is to own a successful boutique.
Shantel After | My 600lb Life
Seana Before | My 600lb Life
Seana | My 600lb Life
Seana's home town is Fall City, Nebraska.
Seana | My 600lb Life
Since starting this journey, the hardest lifestyle change Seana has made is learning portion control.
Seana | My 600lb Life
If Seana won the lottery, she would buy her mom her dream house.
Seana After | My 600lb Life
Ashley Before | My 600lb Life
Ashley | My 600lb Life
Ashley's dream job is to be a writer and a poet.
Ashley | My 600lb Life
If she could time travel, Ashley would go back to the 90's because she thought it was perfect.
Ashley | My 600lb Life
Ashley wishes that someday she will be able to work at a non-profit and help women who have experienced abuse.
Tommy Before | My 600lb Life
Tommy | My 600lb Life
If Tommy won the lottery, the first thing he would do is build his mother a house.
Tommy | My 600lb Life
The hardest part of this journey for Tommy was giving up carbs. Sugar wasn't as hard as he thought it would be.
Tommy | My 600lb Life
The first time Tommy and Amanda met, they sat in his truck by the river and talked all night long.
Coliesa Before | My 600lb Life
Coliesa | My 600lb Life
Coliesa's favorite childhood memory is spending summers at her grandparent's house.
Coliesa | My 600lb Life
It is roughly 317 miles from Coliesa's home in New Roads, LA to Dr. Now's clinic in Houston, TX.
Coliesa | My 600lb Life
If she could travel anywhere in the world, Coliesa would go to anywhere tropical, like Jamaica or the Virgin Islands.
Dominic Before | My 600lb Life
Dominic | My 600lb Life
Dominic loved going for walks in his hometown when he was younger.
Dominic | My 600lb Life
Dominic's new favorite meal since meeting Dr. Now is oven-baked chicken over roasted vegetables.
Dominic | My 600lb Life
If Dominic could live anywhere, it would be in Paris.
Megan Before | My 600lb Life
Megan | My 600lb Life
Megan's favorite childhood memory was riding her bike all around her neighborhood.
Megan | My 600lb Life
Although she had never been to Houston, TX before meeting Dr. Now, Megan loved the city because of its fast pace.
Megan | My 600lb Life
The best piece of advice she has ever been given was: “Stay on track and keep going forward.”
Ashley T Before | My 600lb Life
Ashley T | My 600lb Life
Ashley's hidden talents are that she can sing and paint.
Ashley T | My 600lb Life
If she could visit any country in the world, Ashley would go to Australia.
Ashley T | My 600lb Life
Ashley's dream job is to be a makeup artist.
Leneatha Before | My 600lb Life
Leneatha | My 600lb Life
Leneatha’s favorite part about living in Meridian, MS is being close to her family, friends and church.
Leneatha | My 600lb Life
When Leneatha first arrived in Houston, she thought the city was beautiful and marveled at all of the businesses in one area.
Leneatha | My 600lb Life
Leneatha would love to go back in time and talk to her younger self. "With the knowledge I have now, I’d probably be more social, live outside the box and get out there," she said.